Bocuse Kids' Book
We have implemented and modified pages from the games book available in the Bocuse restaurants.
Siam Garden Menus
We have collabored with the Siam Garden to provide them the highest quality menus we could.From special events to menu changes, we have followed their identity and tastes to create the best fitted menus.
Ghoutia Karchouni Book
Ghoutia needed a book to sell her talents and influence to brands willing to work with her. We have thought and designed her book to fit this usecase.
Nicolas Perrot
He is a famous french artist, his needs vary alot from every aspect of the projects.
We have made some printable artworks for custom belts, t-shirt prints and bottle stickers.
Order Form
We have helped the society Inogreen, wich is involved in green energies, design the order forms to be printed and interactive.